Encouraging STEM Interest

We don’t just build rockets; we want to use our love for engineering to give back to the community. From elementary school bottle rocket launches and middle school lessons on Newton’s Laws in spaceflight, to workshops at the Adventure Science Center and guest lectures about the final frontier, we constantly strive to engage the broader community with a love for STEM. We believe that by exemplifying our passion for the work we do, we can help influence this generation’s students to become next generation’s NASA scientists and engineers.
“Stabilizing the rocket payload section to take pictures of targets as the rocket is in rapid ascent at 400 mph, and naturally rolling about its axis, is a very complicated challenge that the team has solved," said Professor Amrutur Anilkumar, director of the VADL and team adviser. “Sectional roll control can come in handy in spacecraft design for targeting, mating and servicing of spacecraft in orbit.”